I just feel that this week is the happiest moment ever. I've never thought that after finishing the final paper I would be this relief
. Now that I have the time to think about many offers for my future. I have some options actually.
First, I'm thinking to continue my study to Master degree. However, I can't hide my wish to study at University again. Oh, I just love studying!
But still, there are some options about that. Maybe I can take the scholarship program from the government of Japan. I've done some small research lately, seeing the chance to get the scholarship as general applicant almost make me frustrated. The government of Japan has made a coordination with the Indonesian's. Unfortunately, our government claims some requirements to get the scholarship, one of them is the applicant must be one of the civil servant. surely this first requirement is difficult for me since I'm not!!
but Maybe I will be...oneday..
another choice is to apply for the scholarship provided by the government of USA, Aussie, or England, and many others. But, remembering there is such a -not good- 'relationship' with the Muslims, those countries just become my next consideration.
Recently, the company where I've been an apprentice offered me to be their permanent staff. By that, I should stand by at the office from 8.00 to 15.00. Well, it's a good opportunity I thought. I might get about 800 thousand to A million..
I cant deny that I'm desperately needing the money! It's been a year that I haven't bought any books!! how terrible..!
another option is that I stay here, as the cyber operator. It belongs to my family.
Many things ahead, I have to reach the best!
Owh, and one more thing. I'll be attending the graduation ceremony on February 2010
Hooaaaah...I'm so happyyyy...................!!!
whoaa tell me more...!