Lately my will to write seems to fly away, just gone with the wind. I can't blame the thesis.. I know..!
though I can't deny that some decisions have been postponed to be affirmed. my Decision to design my life proposal, decision to get married *eits..wkwkwkwk..kidding*, Decision to change some of my characters and attitudes, decision to apply the scholarship to Japan, and else..
See, everytime I say to myself "hmm..I need to do some changes.."
then the little cute heart impolitely and cannily insists.." can do that later..after you finish your paper..take it won't be too late.."
so what could I say if my heart told me so.. *hhh...*
backthen, I ask to myself again ..
"Have I decided to finish the paper ..?"
and I'm afraid, hope I was mistaken, but.. I hardly could hear a low was a whisper I think.. it said.. "I haven't.."
But, I'll post again soon.. at least that's my decision now..
nani... ganbatte kudasai yo, ishoni, tatakaimashou. anata to boku wa nihon ga ikitai arimasu ne, dakara, ganbatte, lisa-san... ^_^
boku mo, ganbarimasu...
btw, your english is very good, Hu..Hu... my english is so bad... Hu..Hu...:((
the sooner you *and I, of course, so let me replace 'you' with 'we'* ... ok, once more...
the sooner we finish our paper, the sooner I buy 4 tickets to fly to Japan together :o
What a wonderful world to notice that we are doing the same thing to go to the same purposes :)
@ Heri: sore ja, ganbatte yo! ano..heri-kun, nihon go ga o jozu desu ne..!! my nihon go is not really good -_-'
@ Dini: yeah.. the sooner we finish our paper..we'll go right away..! but *do you still remember..?* we must make one more decision..that make other two tickets useful and meaningful.. :P
how could I buy two those tickets if there's no more story here :(
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