Toko Muslimah Cantik

Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Book Collector

How many hours you spend to read books a day?

not more than one hour I bet

How many books have you already had?

Well, if you read books for not more than one hour a day and you have more than 100 books already then you can call yourself a book collector pucca_love_14

the truth is..
that I am indeed also a book collector pucca_love_15 I just want to tell you how it's very hard for me now to manage the time. I really need a new strategy to finish all the books. My brain starts to scream and it's crying for help pucca_love_16
It didn't get enough food this month.
And it's coming to alert:like this --> venere

Nb: the pic was taken from here


lisa julianti said...

almost no hours, because i'm so busy taking cake ofmy children and most sitting in front of the unclear world (read: internet). by the the way i need to put my ads on your site, may i? it's an attractive ads don't worry it would scratch your site.

lisa al Fath said...

of course..put as many ads as possible :P

Dini Haiti Zulfany said...

almost no hours too :(

It seems that I bought some books to collect them, not to read them (yet) :((

:f :D :) ;;) :x :$ x( :?
:@ :~ :| :)) :( :s :(( :o

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