Toko Muslimah Cantik

Palestine Blogs - The Gazette

Never alone

Why must rainbow comes up after the rain? why not previously?
And how about the stars? why they must show in the darkness of a night? why not try to be friends with the sun?

The harmony of nature really plays a beautiful song in our life..

An irony of a butterfly who has to be a caterpillar before she emerges into a beautiful creature..

All ends to a point.. darkness is just a phase, a channel we must get through to finally find a light..

That's why the rainbow is always amazing..Cause Allah wants us to see an absolute beauty on the sky after the dark cloud hangs above and the rain cleans it up.

The stars bunch around the moon, just to adorn a lonely whenever we see them, we would smile and say "look..!the stars are sparkling at me..!!" and we would think.."night is not always dark.."


Dini Haiti Zulfany said...

"An irony of a butterfly who has to be a caterpillar before she emerges into a beautiful creature.."

thanks to mention this :)

nite has its very own mystery, and would be very great when we are able to explore one of them in the one third of it ^_^

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post.

I wonder about stuff like this all the time.

Lisa Al Fath said...

@thekupu..yup!one third of night is the most precious moment..just to be alone with Him.. ^_^

@K..thanks for dropping by.. ^_^

:f :D :) ;;) :x :$ x( :?
:@ :~ :| :)) :( :s :(( :o

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