please answer these questions honestly..well, you can stop for a while and ask yourself and dive to the real bottom of your heart (kinda excessive I thought -_-' )...
here we go...
First, When was the last time you felt really happy?
Second, What was it, in your life, that it made you fight to get it?
that's all,..
maybe,... 2 years ago, and for the second qustion is go to japan!
first, wah...sudah lama sekali..? have to make more reasons to make you happy then!kata petuah..jangan biarkan orang lain menjadi alasanmu bahagia..karna kau pasti kan menderita..*sokbijak mode on*
second, japan?truskan perjuangaaan...!coz I wish to go there too...Nihon ni ikitai desu!!
1. just a second ago. I was happy for being myself, and just the next second, Im gonna be happy. Being happy is part of my life, didnt I tell u so? :) Really happy to be the real me...
2. i.m.a.g.o and always in progress till I die.
1. yup! You even ARE the source of happines for anybody else..what a big energy you have! that's Positive!
2. be a beautiful high..
1. ngerasa senang sih sering, tapi merasa senang sekali sih mungkin udah lama sekali.......... mengapa? jawabaannya ade di nomer 2
2. Pas ngebuat ibu saya meneteskan air mata bahagia, melihat anaknya ternyata tumbuh seperti doanya ketika masih mengandung...... pernah terjadi ketika gue masih SD dulu, semoga saya bisa mengalaminya lagi.
Ngomong-ngomong nih blog siapa sih yang punya? kok bahasa inggris semua? saya jadi pusing ngebacanya, kalo bisa di bikin bilingual.
1. aiiiih....lamenye? that means the last time you felt really happy was ten years ago or more..!!, cari2 lah alasan yang banyak buat hepi..hmm...
2. waktu itu dapet juara satu ya man?
ngomong-ngomong, ini blognye kak lisa.. ^_^v..jangan pusing man, namenye gak belajaaar.. okeh..!niightcrawler, FIGHT..!!!!
first alhamdulillah ana sering merasa bahagia, hidup ini terase begitu membahagiakan walau sering dirundung kesedihan
second, itu biasenye karena ana tau setiap waktu ana habiskan untuk menuju tujuan yang sangat pasti dan tak ternilai jadi walau pun sedih atau apelah namenye tapi kok ingat ape yang dituju senyumpun langsung merekah ^_^ dan kembali semangat gitulaaaa re kire
nah kalo seandainye ade cermin tarsah mungkin yang ana liat adalah diri ana yang sedang berjuang sekarang ^_^
answer for first question:
when she cry and said thanks...after day by day on many years she act like a zombie,
answer for second question:
Hope, love and dream
well..well..well...our beloved people do always become the source of our happiness :)
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