I remember some chats that I had with my classmates in senior high school, 4 years ago. "what is the job that you don't like the most?" one of us said
"A policeman!!" a boy exclaimed enthusiastically.. hearing that, all of us straightly laughed out loud "ha..ha..ha..why?"
"they always ask money from the people they catch! I was one of their victims!" he cried
Yeah..it sucks..
I thought that nearly all of us there had ever been caught by policeman. Various reasons, some of us got caught because we didn't bring our driving license (or maybe some of us didn't really have one :D), the others got caught because of crashing other people's rides, and the simplest reason (but it's the most important I think) is that we didn't use any helmet (because we were afraid it would mess up our hair style :P
As a result, we had to pay a sum of money, we were so broke then...
Not long after that, another friend asked again "what other jobs that you think you don't want to be?"
"A TEACHER!!"there were more than one persons shouted this answer (including me!).. it seemed that we really had a huge grudge on our teacher..
hhh..what could I say..
We were wrong.. definitely wrong!
Now I realise that, we said it because we didn't like rules, we didn't like homeworks, we didn't like to be just listener (you know, traditional teaching style), we were bored, and we faced that everyday (except holiday).
Anyway, the point is, it's neither all the students' fault, nor the teacher's
One of my best teachers said "the first thing that we have to teach to our students is moral. What would this country be if the youth are smart and brilliant, but badly immoral"
You know, the funny thing is, nearly all my friends involved in that chat (the boys), finally applied for policeman after the graduation! Yeah, the job that they claimed as the worst job ever..
and I, who considered "teaching" is annoying job, now have become a teacher.
Well, in the end, Allah just wants us to understand something..
I learn many things as a teacher, and I know my students better, cause I have ever been a student (I hope they don't think I'm boring :D)
and surely, my friends would also learn many things, they can be better policemen..
what about you? what do you think the worst job is?
tonite, i just really enjoyed my life as a teacher since it was just like not a teaching, but just like 'kajian agama' hehe...
I am so much happy for they asked many things out of the topic of the lesson. really doesn't a big deal. so wonderful to be a teacher..
one thing for sure, there's no bad job seeing from the good side. it's just how we appreciate what we are doing.
good point miss Dini (can't wait to be 'mrs' hehehe, just kidding ;D don't be mad)..
sometimes our students teach us some new things, and how they're so enthusiatic,it's so fun,isn't it..
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